EZL enjoyed by everyone



Expand use linked not only payment
but also access authentication,
in the post-COVID, with increased demand for untact services and the creation of a non-face-to-face environment.

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    Public Transportation

    Available to request getting on / off through the app
    and pay without direct card tag. 

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    Provides automatic check-in,
    room door lock release,
    and when entering the elevator, floor call function 

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    Available to enter and exit freely
    with mobile employee ID card
    without direct employee ID tag.

What's Tagless Payment?

A technology that uses the smartphone's BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) to automatically pay public transportation fares without direct card tag, just passing by the terminal with a separate card or smartphone.
Even if it is difficult to tag the terminal due to luggage in both hands, or even when several people pass by in succession, payment is made accurately without direct touching the terminal, providing high user convenience.


Strong point of Tagless

Tagless, which pays automatically without direct touching, prevents accidents that may occur in public transportation and prevents transfer interruption due to  missing tag when getting off. 
The smooth payment system optimizes bus route dispatch times and enables accurate and fast fare processing even in complex boarding and disembarking environments with luggage or many people.
In addition to public transportation,
convenience services using tagless technology are expanding in schools, movie theaters, unmanned stores, and performance halls.

Tagless Bus Platform

By introducing an automatic payment platform, reduce the economic burden on citizens for discontinuity of transfers due to accident prevention and missing get-off tag, ensure safe driving for transportation workers, and improve the status of a smart city by optimizing bus route dispatch times.

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    Transfer discontinuity
    due to
    missing get-off tag

    Getting on / off payment

    Various services
    (Getting on/ off bell, etc.)

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    Local Governments

    Transfer discontinuity
    due to
    missing get-off tag

    Waiting time
    data collection

    Route optimization

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    Transport Company

    Accident prevention

    Notification of getting on / off 

    Safe driving

The Tagless Station Platform

Big data that can be collected through tagless payment systems and bus stop systems,
it's available to utilize when establishing various bus policies to promote customized bus policies.
The collected big data is linked to BMS to make a sharing system with cities / gun(district),
bus companies, and startups related transportation.

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    Optimized Route Design

    Optimized route design by collecting data on stop waiting times and getting on / off times

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    Efficient Dispatch Interval

    Efficient dispatch interval design
    using big data on waiting times
    at stops for each route

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    Public Services Notification

    When getting off, provides information around the destination stop about government offices, tourist attractions, traditional markets, discounts / events, nearby accidents, public promotion, etc.

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    Openness and Publicness

    Expand service openness and
    consumer option by providing SDK
    so that tagless services can be
    provided on various private platforms

Tagless Applied Examples

Tagless, which pays automatically without direct touching, prevents accidents that may occur
in public transportation and prevents transfer interruption due to  missing tag when getting off. 
The smooth payment system optimizes bus route dispatch times and enables accurate and fast fare processing even in complex boarding and disembarking environments with luggage or many people.
In addition to public transportation, convenience services using tagless technology are expanding in
schools, movie theaters, unmanned stores, and performance halls.

Tagless Bus Payment
Applied Technology

A payment system where the unique signal of the Bluetooth installed in the vehicle is detected by the user's terminal (smartphone) Bluetooth, and the bus getting on / off distinction result value as the detected signal, using the driver's terminal through the server.

  • icon

    When a passenger
    arrives at a stop,
    a request of getting
    on is sent to
    the tagless server.

  • Request of
    getting on

    arrow icon arrow icon


    The server transmits the
    getting on information
    to the currently closest

  • Transmission of stop information

    arrow icon arrow icon


    Notifies the driver
    terminal that there is a
    waiting customer at the
    next stop

  • Departure

    arrow icon arrow icon


    Getting on vehicle

  • Payment verification request

    arrow icon arrow icon


    When passengers
    get on the vehicle,
    information is
    to the server

  • Payment

    arrow icon arrow icon


    Payment progress

  • Move to destination

    arrow icon arrow icon


    Available to request
    getting off through

  • Arrival at stop

    arrow icon arrow icon


    Get off without tagging
    your card

Tagless Metro Payment Process

The MTU receives the user's Bluetooth signal,
determines the distance and location,
and distinguishes whether or not to get on.
The tagless terminal requests payment from
the gate based on the above information.

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    Distinction about
    getting on/ off

    When a user
    approaches the gate,
    getting on is determined
    from the MTU
    with a BLE signal.

  • Payment

    arrow icon arrow icon


    Payment request

    When a user approaches the gate, getting on is determined from the MTU with a BLE signal.

  • Gate open (balance check)

    arrow icon arrow icon


    Gate pass

    Transmit passing signal
    and user information of
    gate door to MCU

  • icon

    Distinction about
    getting on/ off

    When a user
    approaches the gate,
    getting on is determined
    from the MTU
    with a BLE signal.

  • Payment request

    arrow icon arrow icon


    Payment request

    When a user
    approaches the gate,
    getting on is determined
    from the MTU
    with a BLE signal.

  • Gate open (balance check)

    arrow icon arrow icon


    Gate pass

    Transmit passing signal and user information of gate door to MCU

  • User ID and payment request

    arrow icon arrow icon


    Fare calculation / payment

    The server transmits ride information to the currently closest vehicle

  • Real-time payment

    arrow icon arrow icon



    Completed payment
    information is sent to
    the corporation’s

  • Payment

    arrow icon arrow icon



    Notification of final
    payment information
    to user terminal

Tagless Taxi Payment Applied Technology

A payment system where the unique signal of the Bluetooth installed in the vehicle is detected by the user's terminal (smartphone) Bluetooth, and the bus getting on / off distinction result value as the detected signal, using the driver's terminal through the server.

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    Call a taxi through
    the app

  • Vehicle arrival

    arrow icon arrow icon


    Tagless signal
    is detected inside the taxi after getting on

  • Operation start

    arrow icon arrow icon


    “This passenger is a Tagless user.”, transmitted voice from the terminal

  • Move to

    arrow icon arrow icon


    Arrival at destination

  • End of operation and payment

    arrow icon arrow icon


    Send tagless payment information message from tagless server

  • Payment

    arrow icon arrow icon


    The server processes payment according to the user’s payment settings.

  • Payment completed

    arrow icon arrow icon


    When payment is completed,
    a payment completion message is sent to
    the driver’s terminal.

  • Getting off

    arrow icon arrow icon


    Get off without separate offline payment

Tagless Office Services
Applied Technology

An automatic entry service system
through tagless beacons installed
at the office entrance door.

  • icon

    Information transmitted through tagless beacons installed at the entrance door

  • Tagless reception

    arrow icon arrow icon


    Transmit user information to the server using the app

  • Access request

    arrow icon arrow icon


    user information,
    the final verification
    of Access possibility

  • Transfer of entry / exit results information

    arrow icon arrow icon


    Signal transmitted directly to the door through the access authentication app

  • Entry allowed

    arrow icon arrow icon


    Door opened

Tagless Bus Services
Applied Examples

Tagless payment is currently being commercially available on public buses and city buses in Gyeonggi-and Daejeon subway is also conducting a tagless pilot operation.

  • Commercialization of city buses in Gyeonggi-do


  • Commercialization of public buses in Gyeonggi-do 
